Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Possible Post-Grad - International Scholarships and Awards

Receiving a Fulbright scholarship certainly sounds impressive. If you are a Rhodes Scholar, no one would doubt the academic riffs. But what are they exactly? These are just two of many international contributions and grants to fund a variety of projects ranging from individually designed and advanced study abroad for university graduates. In other words, you may be granted in order to study a subject that you love.

These programs offer the opportunity to discuss new areas of studyInterest. While the programs in May to participate traditional curriculum, to offer these prices with a high degree of independence in planning your project. Is "the students are in some cases do not go to work, or jump into a program and the delay time and the possibility of what they really want, believe valuable. It's great on a resume," said Virginia Hancock, Chairman of the scholarships and awards to Reed College in Portland,Oregon.

If you are interested in this scholarship, the application to business. These programs value the independence and leadership, but also the passion that the value of a field of study. These thoughts on the application early. Students will be able to plan for scholarships during their first year, and should think seriously about how you start to apply during their second year.

There are many ways to prepare for these programs. Take advantage of the resources in your institutionincluding the directors and officers of financial assistance. In activities to what you want to study, and were linked to foster relations with teachers and other professionals. Be ready to explain what you want to study and why you want the prize.

Some of the popular awards are:

Rhodes Scholarship: This is the oldest international companies in the United States launched to fund students from the United States abroad. 32 new graduates each year selectedto study at Oxford University in England. Fellows receive two years of finance and the requirements for third. Famous alumni include former President Clinton and the poet Robert Penn Warren.

Fulbright Grant, the largest international exchange program for U.S. citizens study contributes to the financing of higher education, graduates, PhD students, young professionals and artists. Fulbright scholars receive funding for independently developed many years of projects, including research,Classes and teach English. This program, by the U.S. Department of State has sponsored more than 6,000 scholarships in 2004 by researchers who are awarded a degree in 150 countries.

Marshall Scholarship: A program of Colombia, founded in 1953 as relations between the United States and Britain, the Marshall Scholarship Fund to strengthen at least 40 students in the United States for graduate studies in the United States sponsored Kingdom for two years .

Watson Fellowship: This program offers 25,000 dollars for aYear of independent research and travel outside the United States. You need a high degree of an American university participants. Watson, project financing, the actual interests of students, "even if these interests are clearly not working in their school. Past projects have rafting rivers in Africa to investigate companies riding in Mongolia, and study the music of the people of Khmer in Asia. Scientists can not go back to the United States for the entire year of theirScholarship.

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship: Schools in Germany supports this award for undergraduate and postgraduate students and faculty studying in Germany. DAAD programs ranging from summer internships to research studies. More than 50,000 students and scientists receive annually.

Gates Cambridge Scholarship: A scholarship last major international financial centers, was launched this scholarship in 2000 by Billand Melinda Gates Foundation with a donation of 210 million U.S. dollars for the University of Cambridge. Recipients of this scholarship must be decided graduates from outside the United Kingdom to study at the University of Cambridge. The scholarship covers tuition fees in full amount for 230 students at any time, selected with 100 new students each year.

If these programs are not just your interests, may seek an award in the field of study that interests you most. Many universities haveFaculty members who serve as a means to decide to on-campus students, what price a bargain for them.

Hancock said the advantage for students in the application process for awarding me this: "Even if they do not to business subsidies, they got all that matters could, regardless of its origin, all want to think independently, what, whether the applications on completion of job applications, grant applications, whatever. "

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