Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What To Write and Say When You Do Not Know What To Write and Say

There can be times when you are asked to speak and you know not what to say! You know you have to write and somehow your fingers just will not function and you know the trouble is the mind and brain!That can become a daunting moment when speaking is part of your job and calling, but it happens.

Isaiah, a mighty prophet of God, filled with the Spirit of God, experienced such days. On one occasion when God told him to cry out, he asked, "What shall I cry?" He had been raised up to speak to the nation of Israel but he was uncertain as to what he should proclaim to the people. It was if he knew he had to get it right. His task and role was exceedingly important.

Well, he was honest. As a result, words just flooded into him and flowed from him. But what a searing and perceptive word he was given.

Tell the people that all men are like grass. Their fame and glory is comparatively temporary. They are like the flowers in a Judean field on a hot summer's day. They wither, fade away and quickly disappear.

People come and go, and Isaiah spells that out clearly, before announcing that the word of our God stands for ever. No matter where you read in the Bible - even in darkest of passages a bright shaft of light suddenly breaks through and we observe that time and time through the prophecy of Isaiah.

It is quite amazing to examine how the Word of God has been attacked and maligned from the very beginning, starting in the Garden of Eden. There is an enemy of God who does not want the Word of God to become known, believed and obeyed.

Over these past 150 years the pace of this onslaught has steadily increased, sometimes under the deceptive guise of academic scholarship. How anyone came to accept and swallow the thought that evolution might be true always amazes me. This is a topic I have studied closely for over twenty years and there is not one scrap of evidence anywhere to give it support.

Isaiah is told to go proclaim this good news to Zion and to Jerusalem.

Lift up your voice. Make sure you are heard. Do not be afraid to shout it out. Tell the whole nation that the living sovereign God is about to move and act.

There were those who thought that God had disregarded their cause and overlooked their prayers. Do you ever feel that God has not heard your cries and prayers? He has and He will answer.

God was about to shepherd and escort His people safely back to Jerusalem, and if He happened to see a little one stumbling along the way He would stoop to lift that fragile vulnerable person and hold him close to His heart.

Here are some magnificent truths which can put boldness, courage, strength and comfort, into the most tender of bodies.

Sandy Shaw

Monday, March 29, 2010

Best Professional Options Through Career Technical College Education

Want an academic education for boosting your career and future prospects? Career technical college is the ultimate solution. Be it allied science, technical professional training or business management courses-Career technical college may provide you ample scope to gain experience in the respective fields. CTC as it is known popularly has one of the best educational alumni & faculty amongst other top US Universities.

A quick search in any of the search engines or college directories may lead you to Career Technical College and their educational strategy. It is by far among the Top US Universities for academic brilliance.

All about CTC Education:

There are namely two campuses for CTC

Monroe, at Los Angeles:

Located at the Louisville Avenue in Monroe, LA-this unique college attempts to impart superior educational wealth to students through fundamental academics in allied health subjects. There is ample financial support given to deserving students. CTC boasts of expertise & professional staff and teaching faculty members, who give total guidance on latest business trends and technical assistance for bright future careers.

Individual student growth is assessed by proficient tutors by constant practical exposure to modern business scenario and course programs. CTC also aims at helping graduate students to hone their varied skills in their chosen fields and get a dream job through competent placement bureaus.

Shreveport, at Los Angeles:

The Shreveport campus of CTC aims to give vocational guidance for careers in Medical assistance. Students get hands on training to become future assistants in hospitals, clinics proficient in both clinical as well as administrative functions under an authentic physician. CTC also imparts high class massage therapy courses at Shreveport campus. This includes spa and healing arts sessions and other skills necessary for a professional message therapist. There is also a Criminal Justice Course for students keen to work as security personals' in court premises, police quarters, travel companies, emergency cells and public gatherings.

For more info and detailed guidance you may log on to their official web portal. Prospective students are requested to fill a simple form giving personal details as age, address, country of origin, race, educational qualifications, etc. College directories may provide more insight into the enrollment rules for foreign and local students. Even student loans and scholarships are granted to students with inadequate financial budget as per US universities educational allowances.

Many top US Universities and collages have also introduced online educational certificates for students all over the world.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Introduction to the Old Testament, A Book Summary

a. The development of Old Testament study (pp.1-82)

The teachings of Scripture have been perverted even in the first century of the Christian era. Cassiodorus' work entitled De Institutione Divinarum Scripturarum (d. A.D. 562) is seen as a valuable contribution to the beginnings of Biblical criticism as applied to the text of the Hebrew Bible. The tenth and eleventh centuries witnessed a number of critical attacks in Spain upon various parts of the Hebrew Scriptures, one of which was made by Ibn Hazam of Cordova about A.D. 994. The Reformation introduced biblical criticism even though individual Reformers sometimes adopted a standpoint towards certain books in the canon which was not in complete harmony with earlier ecclesiastical traditions. A more developed critical approach to the Old Testament appeared in the writings of several men who were not professional theologians in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Source criticism is discussed in its relationship with eighteenth-century enlightenment. The Graf-Wellhausen hypothesis, reactions to the afore-mentioned hypothesis and Old Testament scholarship since World War I are also discussed.

The writer believes that it is only when criticism is properly established that Old Testament scholarship can expect to reflect something of the vitality, dignity and spiritual richness of the law, prophecy and the sacred writings.

b. Old Testament archaeology (pp.83-144)

In discussing the historical survey of scientific archaeology, the writer discusses the pre scientific archaeology taking into consideration pilgrimages, Napoleon in Egypt and surface explorations. He studies the spread and development of archaeological techniques and radiocarbon dating in the analysis of scientific archaeology since Flinders Petrie. One of the functions of archaeology is to awaken a sense of the vitality of the Hebrew past in the student of Old Testament life and times. His analysis of the archaeology of early Mesopotamia reveals that archaeological activity in the land of the Tigris and Euphrates has now demonstrated conclusively that culture originated in that general geographical area rather than Egypt. The archaeological study of the background of the Old Testament tremendously assists the researcher to understand patriarchal history, the exodus and the Israelite kingdom. Perhaps the most famous archaeological discovery of all times was the findings of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Much that was known in earlier days has been amply confirmed, thus furnishing a more secure basis for future advances in the field of Biblical scholarship.

c. Ancient Near Eastern chronology (pp.145-198)

The writer admits that despite the enormous amount of information available for the modern scholar as the result of historical and archaeological research, there is still an insufficiency of primary source materials to adequately trace the chronology from Adam to Abraham. Extra-biblical sources are naturally of very great importance when they furnish fixed dates, and it is often in the light of such material that schemes of Biblical dating have to be modified. However, it was proved impossible in the light of available statistics to assign precise dates to the Hebrew patriarchs, or to associate them with any detailed chronological scheme amenable to control by means of extra-biblical sources. In discussing the chronology of Israel's early history, Harrison observes that the nature of the genealogical scheme associated with the patriarchs in Genesis 14 has raised important problems of Old Testament chronology. Although the problems with chronology cannot be solved completely, a recognition of the customs of the ancient scribes, taken together with the archaeological findings that require an interval of some two hundred and thirty years between Joshua and David, should go far towards resolving most of the difficulties arising from a strictly literal interpretation of the figures in Judges. The writer admits that the discussion on the Old Testament history (the monarchy and after) deals with much more exact numbers.

d. The Old Testament text and canon (pp.199-288)

This section is a discussion on the history of Hebrew writing, the Old Testament text, textual criticism and the Old Testament canon. The study of the Hebrew text in its own right is a matter of great importance, since the judgements that are made by scholars in this field are basic to all other areas of Old Testament investigation. As a discipline, textual criticism is independent of the history and growth of the Scriptural writings, as well as of the formation of the canon. The primary concerns of this study are the transmission of the text, the rise and development of revisions, the nature and scope of scribal activities during the process of transmission, the incidence of vocalization and the emergence of the Massocretic text. The ultimate aim of the textual critic is to recover the text of Scripture as nearly as possible in its original form. However, this laudable objective cannot always be realized, for none of the original drafts of the Old Testament compositions has survived, and the copies that exist have of course been subjected both to the frailty of human nature and the ravages of the centuries. There are undoubtedly numerous instances in which cogent arguments can be adduced for the adoption of one of several plausible variants.

e. The study of Old Testament history (pp.291-348)

The writer observes that while the sources available for determining the idea of history among the ancient Hebrews are of an accredited literary nature, they are quite unlike the cuneiform and hieroglyphic inscriptions of Babylonia and Egypt. At least one Moabite ruler has a royal inscription; the Hebrews possessed none. Despite this lack of official records, however, there were a great many other sources in existence upon which the writers of the Old Testament books were able to draw. The rise of the nineteenth-century critical school, with its emphasis upon literary analysis and its evolutionary view of Hebrew origins, brought with it an extremely skeptical evaluation of the Old Testament historical narratives. Whereas at the end of the nineteenth century one of the most pressing questions of debate among Old Testament historians was the nature of the progression from polydaemonism to monotheistic faith in the experience of ancient Israel, the situation had changed by the middle of the twentieth century to the point where scholars were concerned to grapple with the entire question of the origins of Israel. It is evident that there is a need for a reliable methodological approach that will bridge the gap between the Biblical events and the extant written form of the narratives describing them, if the writing is not contemporary with the event. A much more satisfactory approach to the problems of Hebrew historiography has been provided by W.F. Albright, a distinguished Biblical archaeologist. Though Albright himself and some of his followers appear to concur in a kind of documentary analysis of the Pentateuch that has affinities with that propounded by Wellhausen, they are quick to recognize the breakdown of the classical pattern of source-analysis as the primary means of reconstructing Hebrew history and religion, and are willing to avail themselves of other cognate areas of information.

f. Old Testament religion (349-414)

The writer observes that the study of Old Testament religion took a somewhat different turn as a result of Julius Wellhausen's speculative ideas about the development of Hebrew history. Starting from the Positivish premise that religion was merely an offshoot or product of human cultural activity, he applied the evolutionary philosophical concepts of Hegelianism to the study of the faith of Israel. Following the lead of Kittel and Sellin, scholars began to look for traces of Canaanite religious influence during the settlement period and the monarchy upon the faith of Israel. An entirely new and unexpected source of information concerning the culture of ancient Canaan came to light with the discovery in 1929 of a great many cuneiform tablets at Ras Shamra, the Ugarit of the Armarna Age, on the coast of northern Syria. In the eleven campaigns at the site prior to World War II, many hundreds of tablets were unearthed whose contents placed the culture of ancient Canaan in an entirely new perspective. Harrison also discusses the influences of the methodological approach, animism, totemism, tabu and ancestor worship on the religion of the Hebrews. He systematically traces the religion of the Patriarchs, the religion of Moses, the tabernacle and Canaanite influences, the sacrificial system, the religion of the monarchy and the prophets and later Judaism in his discussion on the history of Old Testament religion.

Friday, March 26, 2010

All About Student Loan For Graduates

When the fall semester is in full swing, graduate students start struggling with their education bills, tuition fees, and other related expenses. In such a situation, a student loan can be good option to meet with your college expenses.

Is there any student loan for graduates? Well, yes, there is. Nowadays, most banks and lenders offer the option of student loan for those are in graduation. These loans are available throughout the year. You can apply for such loans even in the mid of your semester. When you apply for such a loan, first you need to wait and see if you fall into the category of eligible students.

Some banks may reject your application if you are currently receiving any financial aid like scholarship. On the other hand, many lenders provide loans even if you are rejected by such banks.

As these loans are meant for students, the rate of interest can be low as compared to other loans. Your loan limit is decided by the lenders. If you can provide any collateral, you have better chances of your loan getting approved with a lesser rate of interest.

Next advantage is that the repayment option is quite easy. Some banks will give you a grace period. In this grace period, typically after you course is over, you can find a job and start the repayment. Rest of the features of such a loan is more or less similar to conventional loans.

As far is eligibility is concerned, the terms differ from one lender to other. A consistent and good academic record or any collateral will be of great help to you. If you have any of these two, you can expect your loan to get approved very fast.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dealing with the Costs of College Education - A Parent's Predicament

Due to continuous inflation, banks and lending companies are beginning to tighten their standards for loan applications. This may be expected in an economic recession, but the effects brought about by these events are beginning to make a huge impact on American families nowadays, particularly to American parents who are sending their children to college.

American parents usually rely on loans to pay for their kids' college education. However, since lending companies and other student loan boards have started implementing stricter application processing and approval, this makes it more difficult for parents to provide for their children's college needs. Persons with good credit history are more likely to have their loans approved, but the irony is, those in good credit standing have less reason to apply for loans.

In a recent poll conducted by the New York Times/CBS News, nearly 70 percent of the American parents surveyed said that they are "very concerned" with the available options they can take to pay for their children's college education. Only about 6 percent of the parents surveyed were "not concerned" regarding the issue. In response, the Department of Education gave assurances about the availability of federal loans, but the department still has to work things out with for guarantors and lenders to ensure that funds would not run out. Private lending companies, meanwhile, are fast becoming a prime alternative source for loans, but they, too, have increased their lending requirements.

According to the American Student Loan Services, parents borrow an average of $10,000 to pay for their children's initial college needs each academic year. Tuition alone costs roughly about $6,000 in public colleges and around $23,750 in private institutions. Parents usually pay on an installment basis, but this makes only a slight difference, since they also have other educational needs to provide for, such as room and board, computer equipment, living allowance and other miscellaneous fees.

Scholarships and financial aid are now available to help parents meet their children's education needs However, information about scholarship opportunities needs to be publicized more for the benefit of students and their parents. This will help make it easier for struggling American families to deal with the rising costs of higher education.





Monday, March 22, 2010

Different Types Of Government Funded Student Loans In UK

As the rates of higher education is on the rise, student loans are now becoming more and more essential to any student who intends to pursue good higher education. Any student living in England can obtain higher education loans to meet his educational as well as maintenance costs through the government or from the universities.

The full time student loan granted by the government is more helpful to the student as they do not have to pay back the money until the completion of the course or till the student starts earning a pay of more than £15,000 per year. Apart from this, the grants or bursaries obtained by the full time students from the universities and colleges need not be paid back. The different types of higher education student loans that the government offers are:

Tuition fees

A student living in UK is eligible for higher education student loan if the person is doing undergraduate degree or post graduation in teacher training and the tuition fees loan will cover either the entire tuition fee amount or in part. The student loans for tuition fees are issued by the Student Finance Direct, a service that is run by the Student Loan Company with the help of the government authorities, directly to the universities or colleges. Any student intending to apply for the student loan for tuition fees has to check whether the course selected by the student is eligible for the loan.


Another type of government student loan available to the students in UK is financial cover for maintenance. This can also cover all the necessary maintenance costs like accommodation charges, transportation charges, stationary charges etc.

These types of loans are also issued by the Student Finance Direct and are paid to the bank account of the student in three installments at the starting of each term.

The amount that a student can borrow for maintenance may vary depending on different factors like the household income, place of stay while studying and the year of the course. If a student is already getting a maintenance grant, then the amount that can be borrowed for maintenance from the Student Finance Direct service is lesser.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

San Francisco Culinary Arts Academy

If you're thinking of pursuing a career in the culinary arts and are looking for the best San Francisco culinary arts academy, you don't have to look far. The California Culinary Academy is the excellent choice to start realizing that dream career.

This world-renowned San Francisco culinary academy has been around since 1977, providing its students with a fast but very comprehensive culinary education. The students at the California Culinary Academy receive world-class culinary arts, hospitality management, pastry chef, and personal chef training. This San Francisco culinary academy has linked with Le Cordon Bleu to provide students with interesting programs in baking, occupational studies, hospitality, and restaurant management. Aside from these programs, California Culinary Academy also boasts of providing other services like training in classical and contemporary techniques, small-sized classes taught by highly-skilled professionals, hands-on learning instruction outside the classrooms, and financial and academic assistance.

This San Francisco culinary academy is proud of its facilities. Its North Campus is located in the downtown area and is home to several on-campus public restaurants that are all staffed by the students themselves, an Asian kitchen with wok stations, and kitchens for demonstration as well as for production. Other facilities in the North Campus include a confectionery which makes chocolate and sugar art work a lot more interesting, garde manger kitchens, baking and pastry kitchens, and butcheries. The classrooms in this San Francisco culinary academy are equipped with wireless network access.

The South Campus lies on a 100,000-square foot area in Potrero Hill. It is located about three miles from the North Campus and was opened in 2004. The South Campus of this San Francisco culinary arts academy is proud of its new baking and pastry, and production kitchens, mixology lab and gaming room for learning bar and casino operations, and its lecture rooms. This campus will soon have a full-service, public restaurant that will be staffed by the students of the academy.

The California Culinary Academy offers the following culinary education programs: Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts Degree Program, Baking and Pasty Arts Certificate Program, and Le Cordon Bleu Hospitality and Restaurant Management Degree Program. This San Francisco culinary academy boasts of educating some of the best culinary professionals, pastry chefs, and hospitality managers.

So why choose this San Francisco culinary arts academy? Aside from its commitment to provide the highest quality of culinary education to its students, it is also ideally located in the country's top culinary and hospitality site. Numerous five star restaurants and hotels, and fine pastry shops are all over San Francisco, making it the best place to learn, hone, and acquire skills necessary to be a successful culinary arts professional.

Friday, March 19, 2010

College Search Essentials - The Letter of Recommendation

A letter of recommendation isn't always required to get into a college or obtain a scholarship, but sooner or later in your college search you are going to need one.

If push came to shove with your college essay you could stay up all night writing to get it finished in time. That's not the case with your letter of recommendation. The writing is in someone else's hands. So before anyone gets started on your behalf check out these tips on how to get the letter that will get you in.

1. Who to ask: The better a teacher knows you the more fully they can speak of your abilities, contributions and potential. The first step in the letter of recommendation process is really: Find a buddy. Is there a teacher whose class you particularly enjoy? Do you have good grades and history of participation in a class? This may be the teacher to ask. If you are active in a school club perhaps you are close with the sponsor. Some teachers won't write a letter if they don't know you. So if you haven't yet pick a class and get active. Pick a teacher and make a friend. Do not feel uncomfortable asking a teacher for a recommendation. You are most likely not the first to ask.

2. When to ask: Ask well in advance of your deadline. You may pull an all-nighter for your projects, but don't expect the same when you're asking a favor. Plus, one teacher may be asked to write letters for several students. If you wait until late in the college admissions calendar a teacher may be unavailable to write or may be rushed when composing the letter.

3. What do you need: Keep in mind a letter's purpose when you ask for a recommendation. One teacher may better qualified to speak on your academic prowess, while a coach may be able to talk about your leadership or community involvement. Tell a teacher the letter's intent. Don't be afraid to ask the writer to highlight certain attributes. Also, tell the writer if this letter is for a specific school or scholarships or if the letter will be used with all of your applications. You may want to keep one or two standard letters of recommendation for applications.

4. When it's time: Be sure a teacher understands your deadlines. If a teacher is mailing the letter directly to the school you should provide an addressed and stamped envelope.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sports Recruiting

Sports recruiting deals a lot with college sports camps, scholarships relocations, and professional level playing in a particular sport. Sports recruiter personnel and agencies have dedicated, secure, and easy to access homepages that make available sufficient information on academic and athletic requirements and scholarships. These web sites also offer promotional management to athletes, teams and sports organizations. Some sports recruiting web sites are comprised of testimonials, a description of the service, and FAQs.

There are sports recruiting agencies that provide resume services to high school athletes who want to submit applications for athletic college scholarships. Many sports recruiting websites and agencies provide model profiles, message forums, and recommendations from athletes and coaches. Several sports recruiting agencies also offer online registration for scholarships and jobs.

Sports recruiting also involves direct promotion of student athletes to college sports programs. There are a number of sports recruiting agencies that allow the users to search for prospective coaches or athletes, free of cost on their web sites.

Many sports recruitment agencies have the experience of both sports and recruitment, and, hence, they are ideal to offer advice and help with career development in sports. These sports recruiting agencies also have an increasing database of candidates and they can provide their clients with a swift response to any vacancy. They have the ability to locate candidates for specific requirements, through their long established network in sports or through strategic advertising.

Individuals with the ability to meet the demands of the modern sport arena are in short supply. Sport-recruiting agencies are a very good option, as they can take on specific assignments and support organizational needs in a flexible and cost-effective manner.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

US Colleges and University

US colleges and university offer ample opportunities to any knowledge seeker for the academic pursuits in any field of study. They are equipped with the state of the art infrastructure, and have conducive ambience to foster and nurture scholastic aptitude.

Many of the US universities offer both, online and campus based courses of various levels such as, Bachelor's programme, Masters or Doctoral programme. The programmes offered pertain to different disciplines of study such as, pure science, medicine, engineering and technology, business management and liberal arts. There are two sessions, winter session and fall session in an academic year.

US Universities can be classified into three categories, private institutions, public institutions, and community colleges. Private institutions are basically managed and run by nongovernmental organizations or private owners. Public institutions are managed by officials who are appointed or elected by the public. These institutions are supported by the public funds. Community colleges are institutions supported by the local communities. Community colleges operate two kinds of curriculum, Transfer and Terminal. Under Transfer category, one can earn two years of work towards the Bachelor's degree. Terminal category is aimed to provide vocational training to the candidates to groom them and make them suitable to seek employment in different technical and quasi-professional fields.

Admission in US colleges and university are held on the basis of merit. Different institutions may have different eligibility criteria for admission. Admission requirements also vary with the level of the course such as, Undergraduate study or Bachelor's programme, Masters or Doctoral programme, and the discipline of study. Most of the institutions require a valid score card of the appropriate tests held for the admission in US colleges and universities such as, SAT, ACT, GMAT. Some of them also conduct their individual admission tests. References from the persons of repute and standing in the relevant discipline of study are given due weightage. Admission fee and tuition fee are different for different institutions, but many institutions offer scholarships and part-time work opportunities to meet the expenditure.

Most of the US colleges and university maintain reasonably high academic standard. However, some of the prominent US colleges and universities are the Princeton University, Harvard University, Yale University, Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Duke University, Columbia University, University of Chicago and Dartmouth College.

US universities maintain a very tough academic regimen for the students. The ratio of the Faculty members to the students is high by any standard. Strict quality control has helped the US universities to earn a place of distinction on the globe.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

There Really Is a Mystic Pizza, and the Film Mystic Pizza Sneaks Its Way into Your Heart

Mystic Pizza - 3 Stars (Good)

What do the movies A Christmas Story, My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Mystic Pizza have in common?

They sneak their way into your heart.

All three movies were not supposed to be any big deal, and many would-be investors agreed, however, moviegoers will not let these films slide into obscurity, and My Big Fat Greek Wedding became the highest grossing independent film ever.

So why do they work when others do not?

They simply tug at your heartstrings, playing an irresistible tune of making dreams come true. Most of us dream big dreams. When we become part of another person's big dream we wish that their dream will come true even if ours does not.

We enjoy life vicariously by living the dreams of others.

Mystic Pizza is about three recent high school graduates who are waitresses in a pizza parlor that experience some personal growth during a short period of time. They learn valuable life lessons in how to overcome disappointment and adversity, and in some cases discover romance.

One wants to marry her way into money, another dreams of going to Yale but needs more money to go with her partial academic scholarship, and the dippiest of the three has a problem making a commitment to marry a guy crazy in love with her.

This is a drama of relationships which is well done, and with some comedy becomes a fun movie to watch.

Sisters Daisy (Julia Roberts) who is chasing money, and Kat (Annabeth Gish) who is headed to Yale, join their friend Jojo (Lili Taylor) who likes sex but not commitment. Two of the three recent high school graduates are a little ahead of their time (I think) as Daisy is promiscuous.

The pizza parlor is not doing well until a food critic stops by and gives it a rave review, then it becomes very popular, and the story lines of the three girls become more complicated and funny.

Mystic Pizza is a real pizza parlor in Mystic, Connecticut. Writer Amy Jones was vacationing in Mystic, saw the pizza parlor, was inspired to write the story and later co-wrote the screenplay with Perry and Randy Howze and Alfred Uhry.

The film, released in 1988, benefited from the rise of Julia Roberts with her successes in Pretty Woman (a Golden Globe Best Actress Award), Steel Magnolias (a Golden Globe Best Supporting Actress Award) and Erin Brockovich (an Oscar and a Golden Globe Best Actress Awards).

Her films have generated more than $2 billion in revenue, and she has become the highest-paid actress in the world. Roberts' net worth has been estimated at $140 million, and she still has the same great look and smile.

Mystic Pizza also marked the film debut for Matt Damon. Ben Affleck also auditioned for Damon's role. It won virtually no recognition upon release, but viewers will simply not let certain films die, and it is one of those films. It is fun to watch and becomes an affair of the heart in spite of its high jinks.

Copyright © 2007 Ed Bagley

Monday, March 15, 2010

Student Loans for People with Bad Credit

Yes Virginia, Student Loans for People with Bad Credit Do Exist

When Virginia asked if there was really a good ole Saint Nick, student loans for people with bad credit was non-existent in her precious head. But for people that have trashed their score with the mighty three bureaus that decide the ability to buy houses, cars, boats, and most importantly education this is a deep concern. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in between their pearly whites. Since this is the case it is necessary for average Americans to need to finance their higher education.

A lot of college people can still obtain Stafford money even if their financial history is poor. If this is a major concern and parents have stepped in to save the situation a ParentPlus program might be the best alternative. Parents may have the clout and the known ability to pay the loan back within the government's allotted time table. The interest rates are still very reasonable just like the Stafford money. Student loans for people with bad credit may be as simple as sitting the folks down and being brutally honest about the state of one's financial affairs. Many parents don't want a few bad purchasing decisions to stand in the way of their child's education.

College people need to be very careful when shopping around for student loans for people with bad credit. There are many scammers that will lie to desperate loan seekers and will tell them they can get money for people with poor ratings. It pays to be wary in this situation. Most people can go to college through money from Stafford, ParentPlus, scholarships, pell grants based upon need, financing based on degree type, and private issued money. Many banks and financial institutions are happy to issue private money for the purpose of education. However, this often requires a close friend or relative to put their John Hancock down as a cosigner. Sometimes interest rates for private money is low, but often rate can be somewhat higher than Stafford financing. Just because someone is in the boat of having messed up their finances doesn't mean they deserve to pay through the nose either. Be wary of credit card offers and any other type of predatory financing options out on the market. Unscrupulous financiers may try to take advantage of ignorance and desperation. It's sad but entirely true. If you're like Virginia you have faith to believe that college will not be a thing of dreams.

Discover 3 Common Misconceptions About Scholarships

When searching for financial aids, most students will think of "Scholarship", which is the free money sponsored by government and private sectors to students who meet their eligibility requirements. Many myths and misunderstanding about scholarships get passed around the halls of high schools and among the parents of students getting ready to go to college, causing them to focus too much energy on searching for these awards and get ignore on other financial aids sources which are more abundant than scholarships.

Before you start to search and win the free money: scholarships, you should understand the truth behind these misconceptions so you will not be taken in by them. Here are 3 of the common misconceptions about scholarships:

Misconceptions # 1: Billions of dollars' worth of scholarship money goes unclaimed

Among the biggest myth about scholarship is that billions of dollars' worth of scholarship money goes unclaimed each year, just waiting for a savvy student like you to come along and scoop it up. This misconception is potentially cause by certain marketing activities campaign conducted by potential scams which they use in an effort to get you to hand over your money to them.

The truth, according to most college financial aids offers, is that almost all available scholarship money is given out each year. There are some scholarships not awarded usually due to applicants who apply for those scholarships are not meeting the eligibility requirements. But these unclaimed scholarships are just a small percentage of the total scholarships given out each year, and those scholarships which are failed to be awarded usually have highly restrictive eligibility requirements.

You may hear about 75 percent of all private financial aid went unclaimed last year. The fact is this figure does not refer to scholarships at all. What is actually refers to is tuition assistance offered by companies to their employees.

Misconceptions # 2: Scholarships provides free ride to college

Many students believe that scholarships are the largest awards that can provide a free ride to college. If you think that by winning a scholarship, you will pay less for your college, you are wrong; your winning scholarships will not reduce EFC (Expected Family Contribution), in other word, EPC remain and the winning scholarship will be added into the total amount of financial aid that you have already received and an equal amount of aid from other sources is subtracted. In additional, scholarship awards are typically small, often under $1,000 and you may not even be able to renew the scholarship for all four years of college.

There are a few scholarship programs pay for your full tuition fee, but competition for the biggest prizes definitely fierce and these scholarships typically go to students with the best possible qualifications. Even you have the best grades and the highest score, you may not count on winning a full-tuition scholarship, your peers may have a better community service record than you, or more leadership experience. You may submit your application for these scholarships applications, but you need to put in place other financial aid alternatives to support your study if you fail to win a full-tuition scholarship.

Misconceptions # 3: Scholarships Only Go to The Best

Many students miss their chances to apply for a scholarship because they think that they are not the best, and they have no hope to win a scholarship. While it is true that the largest scholarship awards go to the academic and athletic all-stars, those make up only a very small percentage of all the scholarship programs that open to you. Most programs are awarded based on specific requirements such as your major, your place of living, whether you are from minority group, you are a woman or you have a specific talent & etc. So you may not qualify for the national scholarships or the huge athletic awards, you may easily find a smaller scholarship with more restricted eligibility requirements where you are uniquely fit into it.

In Summary

Scholarship is just one type of financial aids; there are still other alternative sources available where you can find money to support your college study. Don't be taken by the myth that there are billions of dollars unclaimed scholarships available because most of scholarship offers are claimed. The fact shows that not all scholarships go for the best, there is a scholarship waiting you somewhere. Keep hunting for those scholarships; don't give up before you put your effort to search for it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Choosing the Right College

Prestige, reputation, cost, location are some of the reasons cited by students who have chosen a college to attend next fall. Choosing the right college can be a stressing process for some, but for others the choice is easy. "They gave me a full scholarship...how can I refuse that?" says Mario, a hispanic student from California. "I was admitted to Princeton. It's by far the most prestigious university in the world," says Li-Mai, a student from China. Sure, some choices are really easy, but there are others which are a bit more complicated.

Most of the time is not a matter of gaining admission to a good university, but the fact that 18 year old students and their parents do not have $30,000 dollars to pay for their first year of college. Some of these talented students opt for less expensive choices like state universities or community colleges. Some of them apply for all the scholarships they can find, but in the end they can just gather enough to pay for a semester or two. Although financial assistance and scholarships help a lot when it comes to choosing a college, students still need to make a careful decision about their academic investment. Is prestige really worth $30,000 per year? Can you and your parents afford it, or can you settle for a less expensive university? Do you want to go to an ivy league school for "prestige" and "social acceptance" or because you really see the great academic programs and knowledge these universities offer you? Some students need to think about this.

"Location, location, location" is a phrase that is not only applicable in real estate but also in college decisions. You need to look at the college location. Is it rural or urban? What is the main industry in that area? What's the unemployment rate? You can be surprised by how difficult it is to find a job in some areas with a prestigious college degree, and how you will find tons of jobs in other areas with a local college degree. Sometimes companies prefer "local" students. You might be from Japan and living in Canton, Ohio, but if you graduated from the same university the company's CEO did, then you are "family". But if you are a city person who loves to walk everywhere and go out with friends at 3 in the morning, then big cities such as Boston and New York will fit your lifestyle.

Some students care more about the knowledge and experiences they can acquire during their college years. "If you want a real American experience, choose places where you won't be able to find many of your countrymen," says Manuel, an international student from Colombia studying at a university in Oklahoma. "I've seen it before - Students come to the U.S. and start hanging out with other students who speak their native language and $5,000 later they can't even place an order at a local restaurant. You came to the U.S., you paid money for your experience and now you want results, so please try to integrate yourself to the American society - their values, their laws, their language and their culture. You'll go back a richer person in every single way. "

And last but not least consider your environment. "I feel like I can express myself in smaller groups. It gives me confidence," says Karina, a student from Ecuador. Some universities are smaller than others and this is a big advantage for some international students who feel really shy when they first come to the states. Smaller classes give you the opportunity to make friends and feel "at home" and this is definitely a plus when it comes to expressing your thoughts and exchanging ideas in class. Of course, there are some students that prefer larger schools. "This university has more resources and more people will recognize it. I work in research and that's how I get my grants," says Anthony, a Greek student studying Anthropology at a university in New York. A big university is an advantage when it comes to resources, the number of professors, students, facilities and money for the school. It can also be a disadvantage when it comes to developing relationships with your professors or your dean due to the great number of students they must attend to on a daily basis.

There are some decisions in life that need careful consideration. This is one of the most important decisions in your life, and without a doubt an investment that needs to be critically evaluated. You need to look at the factors mentioned above and more before choosing your university, your new journey and starting point.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Top Five Universities in the Northeast

What is the very best university in the nation? The question can perhaps be rephrased: What is the very best university in the Northeast? Time and again, on list after list, the top-rated university in the country is a Northeastern one.

The names stay the same, though the order sometimes changes. Is it Harvard, Yale, Princeton or Princeton, Harvard, Yale, or Yale, Princeton, Harvard? Given the prestige that comes with a degree from any of these university, it is sometimes difficult to see any difference.

But there is, of course, a difference. Each school offers its own version of the best and each graduates students who can quickly and easily identify fellow alums. A Yalie is a Yalie is a Yalie, be he John Kerry or George Bush (to cite two recently profiled graduates of that institution).

To graduate from any of these schools is to be a member of an elite club. For many hopefuls, it seems, education is an afterthought. The primary goal is just getting in. Once the yearned-for admission is achieved, it is time to exhale. In the fantasy of many applicants, admission means that a lifetime of doors opening, jobs appearing, and riches all but guaranteed. Like any cliché, this fantasy has a basis in reality. Graduates from the schools on this list go on to big things, and big things are often done by graduates of these schools.

Is it the ambition to be the best that student arrive with that makes them become CEOs and presidents? Or is there something inherent in the education offered at these institutions that shapes leaders? That is a chicken and egg question, it is very hard to know the answer. But if someone is to solve that question, it is not unlikely that he or she will hold a diploma from one of the esteemed schools on this list.

1. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Harvard has so long been synonymous with the best (think "the Harvard of...") that its first place seat on this list is unlikely to shake the institution one way or the other. Despite its many detractors, Harvard continues to attract top students and top faculty, making it the high water mark in American education. Being able to "drop the H-bomb," and say you went to Harvard, continues to impress more than any degree.

2. Yale University, New Haven, CT

Number two Yale, alma mater of presidents and the powerful, has a heated competition with Harvard that keeps both schools at their best. A word to the wise: Visit New Haven before accepting a Yale admission. The flavor of the campus and town are different from that at the other Ivies and may not be to everyone's taste.

3. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Third place Princeton University has recently plundered some of Harvard's most prestigious departments for faculty, gaining the school headlines and new enthusiasm among applicants. Forever the American home of Einstein, Princeton's bucolic setting makes it the ideal place to ponder imponderables on the road to success.

4. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Founded by no less prestigious a figure than Benjamin Franklin, Penn lures top applicants away from the top three schools on this list by providing one of the very best educations available anywhere in the world, with a stress on integration between academic and non-academic experience. Penn is simply a great school.

5. Columbia University, New York, NY

Last, but in no way least, is Columbia University. Located above Central Park in Manhattan, Columbia capitalizes on its city-that-never-sleeps location to attract some of the most creative and visionary students and faculty in the nation to its campus. Columbia is a terrific school, offering stellar education alongside impossible-to-beat cultural and internship opportunities.

If you are admitted to more than one of these schools, first, congratulations. Second, some advice: it is essential to spend time on and around campus before making your decision, each is excellent and each has a flavor all its own.

How to Have a Positive Attitude That Propels You to Success - Part 5

From the Ghetto to the Surgical Suite

Have you ever heard of Ben Carson? From a poor African-American boy growing up in the ghettos of Detroit, Michigan, to a world-renowned neurosurgeon, Ben Carson overcame incredible odds beyond what most people will ever face.

He was born in Detroit, where his childhood journey was filled with poverty. He struggled with poor grades and a violent temper. His mother, who only had a third-grade education, constantly challenged him to strive for excellence. Ben rose from the bottom to the top of his class. His achievements earned him academic scholarships to college and medical school.

Today, Dr. Ben Carson is director of pediatric neuro-surgery at The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore, Maryland. He is world-renowned for leading a medical team that separated West German conjoined twins in 1987. He is also credited with leading a team of South African doctors in the first successful separation of vertically conjoined twins in 1997.

Dr. Carson holds numerous honors and awards, including more than 20 honorary doctorate degrees. He is a member of the board of directors of the Kellogg Company, honored by the Horatio Alger Society, as well as a fellow of the Yale Corporation, the governing body of Yale University.

Dr. Carson's remarkable story is told in his first book, Gifted Hands. THINK BIG, his second book, encourages others to develop their intellectual potential. His latest book, The Big Picture, offers an up-close look at a professional surgeon's life, together with his unique perspective on priorities, race, society, success, and living out a life of faith in a complex world. He travels globally to share his knowledge and philosophy with the hope of inspiring people of all ages and educational backgrounds to be-and do-their best.

Is Ben Carson the lucky exception to the rule? Let's find out.

Jason and Matthew versus Goliath

Early in 1994, twin brothers Jason and Matthew Olim began creating CDnow.com, an Internet music store. Working in their parent's basement, on a shoestring budget, they competed against Fortune 500 companies with millions of dollars to spend...and won. In 1997 CDnow.com earned almost three times as much as its nearest rival, and owned one third of the online music business. From first month revenues of $387 in August of 1994, the company grew to sales of $16.4 million in 1997, and currently enjoys over $100 million in annual revenues.

Inspiring Billionaire

Born in 1950, Richard Branson grew up in a traditional family and received his education at Stowe School. While there, at the age of sixteen, he established a national magazine entitled, Student. By seventeen, he had started a Student Advisory Centre aimed at helping young, troubled teens.

At the age of twenty, he founded Virgin as a mail order record retailer. A short while later, he opened a record shop on Oxford Street, London. In 1972, a recording studio was built in Oxfordshire where the first Virgin artist, Mike Oldfield, recorded "Tubular Bells," later released in 1973.

That first album on Virgin Records went on to sell more than five million copies. At the age of 27, Richard signed The Sex Pistols to Virgin Records after the group was turned down by every major label in Great Britain.

Over the years, he signed many superstar names including Steve Winwood, Paula Abdul, Belinda Carlisle, Genesis, Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, Simple Minds, The Human League, Bryan Ferry, Culture Club, Janet Jackson, and The Rolling Stones. As is evident, Branson managed to turn the Virgin Music Group into a giant success.

In 1992, the Virgin Music Group-record labels, music publishing and recording studios-was sold to Thorn EMI in a $1 billion US deal.

The interests of Virgin Group have since expanded into international "Megastore" music retailing, books and software publishing, film and video editing facilities. In addition, Virgin now has clubs and hotels throughout 100 companies in 15 countries.

Virgin Atlantic Airways, started in 1984, is now the second largest British long haul international airline. It operates a fleet of Boeing 747 aircraft to New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Orlando, Boston, San Francisco, Washington, Dallas, and Tokyo.

The airline was founded on the concept of offering competitive and high quality first class and economy services. The airline holds many major airline awards and recently earned "Airline of the Year Award" for the third consecutive year.

In 1993, the combined sales of Virgin Group Companies exceeded $1 billion US. In addition to his own business activities, Branson is a trustee of several charities. These include The Healthcare Foundation, a leading healthcare charity responsible for the launch of a health education campaign named Parents Against Tobacco. This organization is aimed at limiting tobacco advertisements and sponsorships in sports.

Since 1985, Branson, while actively engaged in his vocations, has also been involved in a number of record-breaking land and air speed and distance attempts. In 1986, his boat, "Virgin Atlantic Challenger II," rekindled the spirit of the Blue Riband by crossing the Atlantic Ocean in the fastest recorded time ever.

One year later, the hot air balloon called the "Virgin Atlantic Flyer," was the first hot air balloon ever to cross the Atlantic Ocean. It was the largest ever flown at 2.3 million cubic feet capacity, reaching speeds in excess of 130 mph.

In 1991, Branson crossed the Pacific Ocean from Japan to Arctic Canada, the furthest distance of 6,700 miles. Again he broke all existing records with speeds of up to 245 mph in a balloon measuring 2.6 million cubic feet.

Branson admits that his success is simply in "believing that I can do what others believe they cannot do." Branson's key is a powerful attitude.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Tips For Nursing Resume Writing

As per studies obtained from the Labor institute, it is estimated that there will be a rapid expansion of nursing positions over the next five years. While this signals good news for all those who aspire to be nurses, it also entails a very tough competitive climate. The most coveted nursing positions will see a large influx of candidates applying for them and hence proper presentation of credentials will assume paramount significance. This is where effective and artful resume writing for nurses is critical if they wish to secure a proper position and career in the nursing segment.

Educational Qualifications

Apart from inclusion of information such as date of graduation, name and degree information, you should also mention information about specific grants, academic honors or fellowships and scholarships, which were awarded to you when you were studying. This helps lend more credibility and impact to a nurse's resume and employers are more likely to choose a candidate with honors and fellowships compared to any ordinary nurse.

Clinical Rotations

For those nurses who already have the requisite experience in this segment, a mention of clinical rotations is a good idea when it comes to writing the resume. If any or more of these clinical rotations pertains to the career position you are applying for, then a mention of this will help you clinch the job faster.

Fresh Candidates

If you do not have experience in the nursing segment or have limited amount of experience then you can mention information about any clinical rotations you have completed as far as resume writing goes. You can also mention about relevant courses you have attended or studied, which pertain to the niche you are applying at. If you have finished your graduation and have a higher GPA, you need to mention as well as highlight the fact in your resume. You can include the GPA scores in the education portion of the resume.

License Information

If you have finished the license process, you need to furnish appropriate license information in the relevant section of the resume. You need to provide information about the state where you received the license as well as date when the license came into effect. Your employer would typically ask you for a copy of the license once you get an offer there is no need to provide the license number within the resume.

Key Skills

Since competition will be fierce in the nursing segment in years to come, it goes without saying that employers will only be scanning your resume and in the first ten seconds will form their impression about you. Hence you need to highlight specific keywords, which illustrate your experience in this segment. Use bullet points to highlight experience in specialized niches as well as compliance information and administration of medication etc. These aspects will help to make resume writing for nursing more effective and get you noticed for prospective jobs.

Teen Beauty Pageants, Such as the California Teen Scholarship Pageant, Can Help Build Confidence

While beauty pageants have gotten a bad name over the years, there are some great pageants out there that help women further their academic aspirations. The California Teen Scholarship Pageant is one such pageant that isn't all about beauty or modeling, it's about helping women further their education, build confidence, and even give them a leg up on helping in their local community. These pageants really are much different than your traditional teen pageant or beauty pageant and are worth looking into for every woman.

The great thing about scholarship pageants is that they don't focus on beauty alone. Of course, judging does include beauty and poise, but it's not just about beauty. In fact, these scholarship pageants usually do not have a swimsuit or talent judging, which is a load off of most girls' minds. In fact, pageants like the California Teen Scholarship Pageant usually judge on grade point average, poise, beauty, and overall personality and aspirations. This means that every teen, whether she has been in pageants all of her life or this is her first one.

In fact, teen pageants such as the California Teen Scholarship Pageant encourage young women from all backgrounds and all experience levels to get involved. Most of the teens that get involved with these scholarship pageants are first time pageant competitors. California pageants report that many of the girls compete once and come back the next year with a couple friends so that they can all compete and hopefully win a scholarship to help them to go the school of their choice. The great thing about this is that good portions of the teens are on an even playing field, so that anyone truly can win. You don't have to be the most beautiful teen in the state to win this pageant, because it's about so much more than that.

Most of the teen scholarship pageants allow girls to register for the competition online or through the mail. You'll usually be required to send a picture and an essay or completed questionnaire in ahead of time and then a judging panel will determine who will go on to compete in the actual pageant. Teens that do not get into the pageant the first time they apply should not be deterred; instead they should plan to apply again the following year. These scholarship pageants really are a great way to help pay for school, which we all know is extraordinarily expensive.

If there is a teen in your life that needs to build some self-confidence or could use some help paying for college, a pageant such as the California Teen Scholarship Pageant is a great idea. This pageant is all about rewarding the girl that is going places, to make college more affordable and reward her for all of her hard work. The most traditional aspect of these pageants is the evening gown round, which only requires that the teens wear a long dress. The teen can pick any type of dress that she wants, so she feels comfortable and is able to portray her personality. The evening gown round is done to help the judges determine the teen that is able to carry herself well in every situation.

Many teens are looking for a way to get noticed, to pay for college, and help build their resume and self-confidence. Pageants such as the California Teen Scholarship Pageant can help a teen do all of these things, and more. These scholarship pageants really are a confidence builder, and can be the one thing that catapults a young woman to a place where she can succeed and do the very best at whatever it is she wants to do.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Finding College Grants - Scholarships and Fellowships

The cost of a college education has increased dramatically over the last few years. With budget cuts to higher education and increased tuition, the burden of cost has increased for the average college student. While loans are an option, they have the drawback of needing to be repaid eventually. Another option for funding are scholarships, many of which are overlooked.

What are college scholarships?

College Scholarship programs essentially provide free money for college. Scholarships are awarded by charitable foundations, businesses, schools, universities, government agencies and private organizations and are awarded based on criteria set by these organizations. The criteria could be academic, athletic, membership in a specific group or club or on the basis of community service.

Finding College Scholarships

The search for college scholarships or grants is a timely process and applying can also take time, as some scholarships require essays or other material you will need to provide for consideration.

There are several resources available when searching for college scholarships. One of the most important resources is the school you plan on attending or are already attending. Your high school counselor may be able to provide information on scholarships and many universities have an office devoted to helping students
find scholarships or grants.

Additionally, the university and public library may be good resources as well, especially if they have a section devoted to helping students find grants. If you're already attending a university, there may also be special seminars that provide information on how to go about a scholarship or grant search. Lastly, there are various online resources that will help you find scholarships. Be sure to research the website, though, to make sure they have a good reputation and are successful in assisting in the scholarship search. There are also inexpensive books on that may be helpful as well.

While the task of searching for college scholarships may be take time and energy, if you're successful, it will mean having to take out less in student loans and having less debt in the future related to your education.

Compare and Contrast Essays Made Easy

Your Requirements

Measuring up to the expectations of your teacher is important, so make sure that you are fully aware of them. Did your teacher give you a specific topic to work on? Does he or she require a specific length? When is the deadline?

Your Topic

When choosing your topic, you must consider your own interests as well as your teacher's specific requirement. Focus on an issue that captures your curiosity. If you are running out of ideas, try to get some from the newspaper, magazines or from the Internet.

Your Variables

Identify the variables in the subject of study. Look for similarities and differences.

Your Draft

Make an outline. This will serve as your organizing tool. Your draft will make the whole process a lot more manageable. You can start by sorting the variables that you've identified. They are your points of comparison. Do some research before hand. Being well informed about your topic adds credibility to your work.

The Main Body

With your draft ready, use the outline as your guide. You can start the whole process by writing separate paragraphs, each devoted to a single point of comparison. Don't worry about continuity just yet. You can work on it later.

Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that effectively summarizes the idea of the paragraph. Check if the details do support the main topic. Work on one paragraph at a time. Once you've successfully created strong paragraphs, create coherence between them. Use transitional sentences and connective phrases. Your goal is to make the composition readable.

Your reader should not have a hard time comprehending what it is that you have to say. The layout of the ideas should be in proper order. You can cluster the similarities together while creating a separate group for the similarities.

The Introduction

Your introduction should give the reader a clear picture of what it is that you will be discussing. Construct brief backgrounder information that talks about your topic as a whole and an introduction to the subtopics that will be discussed in the main body.

The Conclusion

The conclusion puts everything in perspective. This should leave the reader with a clear understanding of what the paper was all about, of the message it tried to convey.

This final paragraph also provides closure to the whole composition. Make it short but comprehensive. Restate each of the main points stated in the discussion and their relative implications.


Polish your final product. Run a grammar and spell check. You don't want small nuances ruining your paper, practically putting all you hard work to waste. Leave your composition for a day or two and come back with a fresh perspective. You will be surprised to spot errors you did not notice before.

Do not procrastinate on your compare and contrast essay. Get started now.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

College Recruiting Service Is The Best Tool For College Search

Let the college find you with a college recruiting service. There are several sites in the web where you can just register, enter data such as the ACT or SAT scores, your grade point average and subjects that you are basically interested in and other information that is vital that helps the college find you. Therefore, interested colleges and universities that meet your criteria will find you. Instead of you finding them. All you have to do now is just wait and let them do the hard work.

By getting into the college recruiting service, the pressure of looking for a college is off of you. Aside from that, they might be able to find a scholarship for you as well. Just check with the site if they have a scholarship program of the school of your choice. So it is a free college recruiting program with a chance to get a scholarship.

If you are good in sports, there are certain college recruiting service sites that helps high school student athletes in getting athletic scholarships to colleges and universities. The process is simple. You gain instant exposure, you search amongst all the colleges, you connect instantly with coaches via exclusive recruiting tool and you get recruited and earn your athletic scholarship. It is all about empowerment, where athletes and their parents are provided information and resources designed to put them in control of the college recruiting process. This service enables athletes to efficiently promote themselves to every college of their choice in order to position themselves to be recruited and receive a scholarship.

A college recruiting services is basically a platform for students to connect and interact with colleges. It gives the students the tools to research and build profiles of athletic and academic information. It also provides colleges with a vast and searchable database of potential recruits.

College Financial Aid Guide - 3 Steps to Secure a Scholarship

Every student wants a scholarship to fund their college study, but not all students manage to secure one. Although you can apply for all scholarships that are opened for application, but you may not qualify for all and applying for scholarships which you are not qualified for will waste your time and efforts. You should only apply the scholarships that you are qualified for. Here are 3 important steps to secure a scholarship:

1. Get Your GPA As High As Possible

Most scholarships are reserved for students with best academic results. Hence, the first thing you must do is get your GPA as high as possible so that you can qualify for more scholarships. Some scholarship application requirements required you to maintain a certain GPA through out your academic years while other might need you to achieve a certain GPA to qualify for application. Hence, your GPA is an important factor that will determine your opportunity to secure a scholarship.

2. Search & Apply For Scholarships

The second thing you must do is searching for the scholarships which you are qualified for and apply for them. Be sure to read the requirements and prepare all the necessary documents to be attached with the application form. You can choose to search individual scholarship online or your school might have certain recommended scholarships for their students.

You can also use the online free scholarship search services to help you match the scholarships with your qualification. The two most popular free scholarship searches are FastWeb and Scholarship Experts. They will send the details information about the proposed scholarships to your email address; what you need to do is review these scholarships and apply the scholarships you are interested in. These free scholarship search services are a great service to help you identify the scholarships that match your qualification so that you have the best chance to secure at least one.

The only thing you should beware is the scholarship scams which try to cheat your money; they are around especially on internet, so you must double confirm about the scholarships offers before you make any payment if there is a processing fee involved.

3. Be Persistent To Follow Up On Your Application

Today, most communications are through email, if you submit your scholarship application and put your email address in the contact column. Be sure to check your email periodically. There are students who submit their scholarship application but never check their email regularly; when they found out there is a scholarship offer which ask them to confirm their acceptance before the due date, but at the time they read their mail, it already past the due date. Don't miss any scholarship offer due to your laziness of checking your email. Don't give up and keep applying for scholarships until you secure one. You will have success if you keep persistently in applying the scholarships which you are qualified for.


The basic 3 steps to secure a scholarship to fund you college study. These steps are: maintaining your academic result with as high GPA as possible, do the search for scholarships that match your qualification, apply them and persistently check for the status.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Government Loans - Get What You Are Due

As a student you can obtain a substantial financial support from the federal government for your college tuition, books and laboratory fees. The loan accrues no interest during the time that you are legitimately enrolled as a student but will commence drawing interest upon graduation or whenever you leave college. This is the information given by all school aid advisors and is pretty much on the level.

Even though the Soldier and Sailors Act of 1947 should protect you from the increase of interest after school, sometimes this doesn't happen because the actual law is misinterpreted. Many administrators feel that the steady income from a military occupation precludes any advantage in the delay of paying back a government loan or in the reduction of the annual interest.

It is the repayment phase in which many problems can occur. After the 'no interest' phase is over, the student loan can be sold by the Federal Government to state loan agencies. They in turn can then sell them to the highest bidder and in this manner the so called student loans can be quite expensive after the interest rates grow proportionately.

The longer the student loan remains unpaid the larger it grows in size. My student loan was $3,000 but after almost fourteen years the total payback amount was over $16,000. You will understand my distrust of government programs to assist educational costs but until a few years ago it remained the only plan available. This is due to the fact that almost all government loans are administered by local financial institutions and not by government agents. This allows many of the government loans to be placed into delinquent status when this should not happen. It also permits a ratchet of the loan interest to regular consumer rates.

A more acceptable way to acquire government assistance is through the military's G.I. Bill. I finished my education thanks to the old G.I. Bill Act of 1945-1975, a very gracious gift from a grateful nation. The current bill only covers approximately $10,000 which is a matching fund grant. Educational expenses today from a quality university will cost anywhere from $18,000 - $28,000 per semester. These will only cover tuition, books, room and board. Any other expense would have to come from regular employment or from scholarships and grants.

Under certain circumstances an education can be paid through government grants which have no interest or aren't repayable. They must be applied to using published guidelines available through the government or the school grant administrator. These grants have a specific deadline by which they must be solicited. They are competitive and must certain published criteria. Again the local university or college is the administrator of the grant and may be in competition with the student for those funds.

There are competitive scholarships sponsored by academic societies, sororities, fraternities which provide either complete or partial scholarships which you can complete to defray educational expenses. Other groups such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Foreign Legion offer substantial scholarships both to service personnel and to the children of veterans. Police and firemen fraternities, nurses organizations and many more offer scholarships to aid college completion. Essentially government loans exist to assist in the education of its' citizens. However, they do not exist as a right but as a benefit.

Homeschooling to the Stars - And With the Stars!

What do Lindsay Lohan (Herbie, Freaky Friday), Raven Symone (That's So Raven), and Elijah Wood (Lord of the Rings) have in common? It's not a new movie or show, or a Hollywood extravaganza they were seen at... it is their status as homeschoolers! Each of these famous young actors join the ranks of accomplished homeschoolers who have attended Laurel Springs School, the "School of the Stars."

What makes famous young actors, athletes and scholars turn to homeschooling? For an answer, let's look to the past. Many proud homeschoolers love to tout the names of famous people throughout history who were homeschooled. Take a look at just a few!

o Presidents - George Washington, Franklin Delano Roosevelt
o Inventors - Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison
o Artists - Claude Monet, Ansel Adams
o Composers - Amadeus Mozart, Irving Berlin
o Actor - Charlie Chaplin
o Authors - Charles Dickens, Mark Twain
o Scientists - Albert Einstein, George Washington Carver

Who knows what inventions, political principles, art and literature we would be missing if these historical figures were not allowed the freedom of independent learning and growth! The power of learning is limitless, and the homeschooling tradition, steeped in history, continues on today with a renewed interest in all that it can offer the individual and the world.

All children are "stars" in their own right - and the dream of parents is that each child reaches up and grasps their fullest potential. Many young actors, athletes and scholars are doing just that - they are turning to homeschooling because it offers the flexibility to learn while pursuing their dreams, and to pursue their dreams through learning!

To become a child actor, performer, or athlete, young stars must be able to "take school with them" on their early career endeavors. If their program of study is geared toward their individual learning style, they can learn in less time while happily pursuing their other dreams. Laurel Springs School offers this, and has been the distance education source of choice for these young stars.

Along with actors Lindsay Lohan, Raven Symone, Elijah Wood and many others, Laurel Springs School is proud of their homeschooled athletic stars as well. Just this year, skating team Tanith Belbin & Ben Agosto, both students at Laurel Springs, won the gold in the 2005 U.S. Figure Skating Championships. Chad Compton won the title of top Junior Surfer in the U.S., and 14-Year-Old Alexa Glatch was named one of the top 5 Americans in the World Junior Tennis Rankings.

In the performance world, one student, Monet, is becoming a Rock star and was recently a guest on FOX's Bernie and Mac show; Melinda Sullivan won first place in the Spotlight Awards performance arts scholarship program, and is now touring the country with the CATS Troop.

In the academic world, Chelsea Bets Christenson has won the UN High School Essay Contest in both 2003 and 2005, and is officially considered one of the top ten high school writers in the nation! Yang Liu, a homeschooled graduating senior, was selected as a finalist for the National Merit Scholarship Program.

What makes these kids achieve their goals is a supportive family and a home education program that is as diverse and flexible as they are. Today, we shape tomorrow's leaders, and we find the unique mold of the future inside our children, within their hopes, dreams and talents.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Scholarship Essay Errors - Avoid This One

Let's say you have to write a scholarship essay. You could write something like the paragraph below.

My experiences while in academic pursuits during the intraequinoxial lunar cycles included the discovery of the ancient Babylonian rites of astral projection, invisibility through continued cerebral conditioning, and random numerical procession of statistical prediction and probability functions had a profound affect on my personal mission statement possibilities, while also being very emotional for me due to incorrect translation or transcription and provided the involuntary rescission of my abstraction and cogitation of late denarian and vicenarian retirement, due to budgetary impoundment combined with extenuating leverage, though I did learn something in the process, and did revise the standard astrology chart at the same time. My version will soon go before the International Association of Astrology Practitioners and Professionals for official IAAPP adoption worldwide.

Or, you could write this in your essay for your scholarship application:

While on study abroad last summer, I discovered ancient Babylonian records. The records included instructions on how to leave your body, become invisible, and predict lottery numbers. Such information affected me, and I have since reconsidered my goals. Also, it turns out that the lottery information was flawed, either when written or when translated. I had to stop buying lottery tickets because I had run out of money and maxed out my credit cards. My studies did produce valuable findings, though. I have even proposed changes to the standard astrology charts currently in use by the International Association of Astrology Practitioners and Professionals (IAAPP).

Isn't that easier to read and understand?

(By the way, I wrote "later denarian and vicenarian disoccupation" to mean retiring when you are a late teen or in your twenties. And you should never use that phrase if you want to win a scholarship!)

When you write, use intelligent language, but don't go for the biggest words you can find. Mark Twain, who wrote for the newspaper, said why use policeman when cop will do? Of course, you should use good vocabulary. If you start sounding like my sample above, you've gone way to far.

One key to avoiding thesaurizing: use proofreaders. Let others read your essays before you send them. They can tell you if you sound pompous, overbearing, or just weird. If that happens, don't worry. See what your proofreaders found wrong, and try again.

Good luck on your quest. You can win scholarships, you just have to improve and keep applying.

The History of Graduation Day, The Cap and The Gown Worn

The graduation ceremony is a cultural tradition that is considered a rite of passage. The ceremony marks a transition from one stage in a student's life to another. Arnold van Gennep coined the phrase "Rite of passage" in 1909 and he believed the rite of passage included the following three steps:

1. Separation from Society

2. Inculcation-transformation;

3. Return to Society in the new status.

So what is the history behind Graduation Ceremonies, Caps and Gowns?

The "Rite of Passage" Graduation Day

The Baccalaureate Ceremony is considered the beginning of "Rite of passage." Some schools include the Baccalaureate Ceremony with the actual Graduation Ceremony, while others celebrate the two in separate events altogether. For brevity purposes, I will explain the former.

The graduation commencement ceremonies usually begin with speeches from faculty or special speakers, which may include the actual students and music. Afterwards the graduates names are called one by one as "Pomp and Circumstance" is traditionally played. Not every ceremony follows this tradition.

"Pomp and Circumstance" was composed by Sir Edward Elgar (b. 6/2/1857 d. 2/26/1934). "Pomp and Circumstance" was first performed on October 19, 1901 in Liverpool, England. As the students commence onto the stage they are handed their diplomas and given a handshake. It is at that point the students flip the tassels on their hats.

The Baccalaureate Ceremony origin is said to go back to 1432. The first Baccalaureate Ceremony commenced at Oxford University. At that time each student was required to deliver a sermon in Latin as part of his academic applications.

Cap and Gown. What do they mean and where did they come from?

What we call today a "cap," which is worn by students and faculty in some cases, used to be called a "hood." The "hood" is believed to be dated back to the Celtic Groups. At that time in history only the Druid priests wore capes with hoods, symbolizing their superiority and higher intelligence. Today, the "hood" or "cap" is used to identify the student's academic institution and degree. The tassel that is attached (and sometimes the color of the cap and gown or scarf) is used to signify the student's academic achievement within the academic structure.

Prior to the 1950's the color of the graduation gown was gray. This was practiced only in the U.S. Colors in European countries were used as far back as the 1800s to signify the area of study. Sometime during the 1950's students began to ask for cap and gowns that represented their school colors. Their wish was granted and the emergence of varying colors used for gowns caught on.

During the 12th and 13th centuries the academic dress for graduation was born. At that time the standard dress for faculty or students was clerical dress. It wasn't until 1321 that the University of Coimbra decided that all Doctors, Bachelors, and Licentiates would be required to wear gowns.

So there you have the basic history of Graduation Day and the ceremonial garb that is worn. Please remember to stay safe. The number of students who are just beginning their journey into life declines greatly on graduation night. Why? Drinking and Driving are a deadly mix and many graduating seniors and others are killed during the "celebrations."

Graduation Day

All the dreams that have come and gone;
All the memories that will live on and on.
High School days we thought would last forever;
All the time we thought we'd be together.
Time seemed to slip by and then go away;
Now it's graduation day.
So many times we laughed and we shared;
So many times we said I love you and I care.
The happiness, the sadness and the fights galore;
All these things were wrapped into one and more.
Time seemed to slip by and then go away;
Now it's graduation day.
So many times wondering if we'll remember what we've learned;
The credits, the honors and the scholarships we've earned.
The trips, the sneak days, cutting a class;
For all these years we thought they'd never pass.
Time seemed to slip by, and then go away;
Now it's graduation day.
And so my friends I want to dedicate this to you;
For the good times and the sad, yes there's been a few of those too.
The tears streak down my face, the memories to stay;
Because now my friends, it's graduation day. Jaci Rae - Copyright

Sunday, March 7, 2010

How to Get a Scholarship Yourself

What is a scholarship? A scholarship is an amount of money applied straightforwardly to your college costs that you are awarded based on academic good point, financial want, or a combination of the two. There you will receive scholarships in some form to help you compensate your fees, books, room, and sometimes other expenditures such as travel. It is said that there is billion dollars financial help out there. There are many minority, career, or grade specific scholarships out there and to go through them and find out they don't apply to you is a little discouraging but as long as you've done impressive thing or can make an essay, there is probability a scholarship out there for you.

What's scholarship essentially worth? There is no set amount that you can guess from college scholarships. Every scholarship come from a special source and award amount of money based on various conditions. For instance, you may obtain scholarship from your local supermarkets with amount smaller than the one you receive from a National Corporation scholarship. Scholarships may be a one-occasion award, or they may lengthen over some semesters or years. If they are not one-occasion sum of money, so probably you need to keep a definite GPA to keep the scholarship.

For what basis can I obtain scholarships? Most people think of scholarships as rewards for A students - that's true for a little percentage of scholarships. However, most scholarships are based on various qualities and accomplishments: academics, test scores, ethnic origin, employer, career purposes, selection of major, etc. And while many scholarships are based on your plus points in competition with other students, many scholarships, first and foremost those awarded by colleges, are based on financial need as well as your brilliance, or just financial need by itself.

Where should I look for scholarships?

Look Online. Scholarship search databases hold a lot of scholarships. Many won't be quite right for you, or are very small awards; but others may really suit you. But don't apply to a hundred scholarships just because they're there. As an alternative, pick out a dozen or so that perfectly fit your needs and qualities, and fill out the best application you probably can for those.

Look In Your Own Locality. There are local communities, clubs, local newspaper, the power plant, etc. They may award scholarships to college students in area. To find these scholarships, you'll need to seek. Read your local paper, especially the community news. Call local agencies and ask if they sponsor any college scholarships. Call local television station and large employers in your area to ask that. Sometimes, some employers provides small scholarships; so have your parents ask their employers if there are scholarships for children of employees.

Speak With Your College Authority. By talking to the persons in the office of the college, you may be able to get some guides on scholarships that are detailed to students. Let them know when you speak to them how serious you are, and they will probably give you help. If you're going to do great effort financially, let them in the office know this. There are programs to help students who really wants. People in the office will know how to get that money.

In order to obtain these free aid you must fill out applications and write papers, they are hard work but as it says in numerous scholarship books, if you are willing to do the work for one, you are possibly already half done with the next one. Make sure you save a copy of every single one of the extra-curriculars that you took part. Don't forget to keep those recommendations handy. These are kinds of files that you'll just need to use over and over.

In your paper, focus on yourself. A scholarship is often awarded in a very subjective way. Many awards committees, faced with kids they really like, choose the one they like the best. And they decide that based primarily on the paper. Besides, it is often best to plan out what you're going to say, and be sincere; too much buff up can work against you if it makes you seem insincere. Tell about yourself with description and scenery that demonstrates how that things changed you in a way that makes you a right candidate. Of course, each awards committee is special in their judgment. But they will be impressed if you make sure that your grammar and spelling are faultless.

Of course, the amount of scholarship sources is limited. However, that doesn't suggest that you shouldn't try to acquire your fair share. In reality, many people give up and say I can't possibly succeed. That's plainly not right. At least you've got to try to have your part of those scholarship aid.

How to Receive a Scholarship For Nursing School?

If you are not sure how to get money for nursing school, you can try many options that include nursing school scholarships, grants and student loans.

In general, scholarships and grants are both free financial aid. You are not obligated to pay them back. However, there are some types where in return of funding for your school expenses you will have to put in a year or two of work in an underserved area after you graduate. Scholarships are often awarded to students who have excellent academic performance and other special abilities. While grants are most often awarded based on the students financial need.

Nursing student loans, on the other hand, allows the student to borrow money for nursing school but they will have to repaid. A student loan works just like any other loan with either fixed or variable interest rates and various payment options depending on the lender.

Nursing schools themselves offer financial aid to students. The school may receive state funding, which allows them to grant financial support or the school may participate in government financial aid programs, which enables them to assist the student in getting aid. Many schools work with private financial institutions to provide loans to students.

Nursing associations in your state are other good sources of funding. Many of these organizations award grants and scholarships to individuals who are intent in specialty studies such as oncology, critical care, psychiatric nursing and many others.

One of the best sources of money for nursing school is the US Department of Education, which has various programs providing educational funding such as grants and low-interest loans to students and parents. Some government student loans are given based on need and some are based on the borrower's credit history. The Nursing Student Loan is one specific loan funded by the government designed specifically to provide money for nursing school.

Besides federal student loans, you can also apply for a loan at private lending institutions. Service organizations and other non-profits in your area are other possible sources of money for nursing school.

Once you have chosen a source of funding, it is time to make your application. Study the eligibility and application requirement to ensure that you complete your application successfully. It is best to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is an application form that you can use when applying to different organizations for funding. See to it that you send all your applications within the deadline. Different organizations will have different deadline schedules so keep track of the dates.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Applying for Bank of America Student Loans

Many college students are finding that they have many academic funding options ranging from federal loans to private loans. Each has its own advantages and benefits that set them apart from other financing institutions. If you do not know yet, Bank of America has not only established itself as one of the trusted banks in America it also boasts of reaching out to the needs of the prospective college students, particularly those who have dreams of graduating from college or university.

Bank of America has its own student loan division which focuses on addressing the financial needs of college students. They are known to provide valuable assistance needed to apply for student loans. Bank of America is said to offer education loans that are somewhat different from standard loans. It is best that you learn the various differences in detail in order to make an informed decision.

Bank of America Student Loans includes private loan packages. This option includes Education Maximizer Loan which is good for any student that has reasonable credit ratings. This loan package can be used for just about anything that is associated with the educational process. However as with any student loan you must be disciplined in your spending or you will end up out of money and needing another student loan.

Federally based Bank of America student loans are also available and are much in demand. The US Department of Education provides the loan to students that have met the academic and or credit rating requirements necessary to qualify. These loans can be applied for by either the student or the student's parents. Public or federal loans generally have lower interest rates and more flexible terms.

Aside from private and federal loans, Bank of America Student Loans can either be certified or non-certified. Certification in this sense means that the loans have to be certified by your school. Examples of a certified loan from Bank of America are the Bank of America Private Loans and Bank of America TERI Loans. Non-certified loans from Bank of America include CampusEdge Student Loan and the Education Maximizer Loan.

In response to the growing number of students searching for student loans on the web, the Student Banking division of the Bank of America has established a website for use for students who are interested in filing student loan applications. The websites are helpful and are packed full of the necessary information on Bank of America Student Loans. You really need to go a good job of research on every student loan package you are considering. Once you have completed this exercise you most likely find that Bank of America student loans are a great way to fund your college education.

Standard Ways to Pay Money for College

So you're going to start college, or you've already started, and you are thinking about how to pay money for college. What are the standard ways of getting this money?

Usually potential or current college students file something called the FAFSA. This is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It allows the government to access how much need you have. You can sometimes get grants and free money through this.

After filling out the FAFSA, you can try for grants, scholarships, and loans. Grants are based on financial need. If your family makes too little money to send you to college (based on what the government thinks is "too little money"), you can earn some cash to pay money for college through a grant. I personally find these hard to get. Usually people don't represent enough need to qualify.

There are also scholarships. These are free money rewards to aid you to pay money for college. Scholarships come in all different varieties. Some are need based. Some are based on race. Some are based on the first member in the family to go to college. Many are based on academic performance. Some can be for sports performance. There is a very wide variety to choose from. The competition, however, can be fierce. I personally received several scholarships, but still not enough to completely pay for college. I had to use some of my personal money as well.

There are also loans. There are two types: there are loans that you take out personally, and there are loans that your parents can take. Personal student loans generally pay much less money, as you are more "at risk" of dropping out. Parent loans can pay a lot more. While student loans generally will not cover all of college tuition, parent loans sometimes can.

So what if these three money-making avenues cannot earn you enough money to pay money for college?

You can always get a part-time job. While not exactly fun, they can earn some side change to help make some payments. There's also the full-time job as an intern or CoOp. As an intern or CoOp, you can work in a field related to your major and still be paid (some internships are paid). While CoOperative education will delay your graduation, it gives you experience in the field you are majoring in. I highly recommend it, as I am doing it now.

As a final note, if you don't want to take a job, or simply don't have time for it, you can always try to make some money off the Internet. Selling items on eBay is probably the best place to start. You can also try affiliate marketing. This is my personal favorite, and probably the most rewarding. If you become good at this, you can actually earn enough money to completely pay money for college!

So the next time you must pay money for college, consider the options listed here. All are possibilities and can be used to get that extra money to pay those high college costs.