Monday, June 14, 2010

Getting an Athletic Scholarship - How to Improve Your Chances For College Funding

The cost of college is higher now more than ever. When students seek out ways to pay for college, they almost always will try for a scholarship. With the large variety of scholarships available, individuals will seek ways to get an advantage over others, and a high school athlete is no exception. College athletic scholarships can be hard to find and even harder to get. Only certain schools offer athletic scholarships, but there are some ways you can boost yourself above the rest.

The number of athletic scholarships is limited and very competitive. Usually the athletic scholarships will only cover a portion of tuition, so be sure to look for other ways to supplement your tuition. Some of these schools include: Briar Cliff University in Iowa, Michigan State, Wingate University in North Carolina, Talladega College and Holy Names University in California, Baker University in Kansas and Morningside College in Iowa. These are just a few, but the list is not overwhelming. So how do you set yourself apart from everyone else?

How do you get these college sports scholarships? You will need to put together a portfolio of not only athletic achievement but also academic achievement. Start by gathering all the newspaper articles that you are featured in. Did you do an interview after a championship game? Got an article from when you broke a record? Pick out the best articles that highlight your athletic ability. Then make a good copy of each article. It doesn't have to be photo quality, but if it's smudged and illegible it won't impress anyone. Get a letter of recommendation from your coach and one of your teachers, principle, or mentor. It may also help to make a video. You can highlight yourself both on and off the field or court. If you participate in any community service, show a scene of you helping out. Add in some shots of you playing and a short blurb about yourself. You want to show case your talents without losing the viewers interest. So keep it short; you will only need about 5-10 minutes. Add a cover letter detailing why you want to play for that school and even why you feel you deserve the scholarship. When your portfolio is complete, send it to the coach at the school you are interested in attending. This one package can make all the difference between getting noticed and getting passed by.

In addition to schools offering scholarships, there are other athletic scholarships available. For instance, the SAMMY 2010 awards $7500 for athletes to attend school. SAMMY stands for Scholar Athletic Milk Mustache of the Year. So not only do you get the money, but you also get to do a milk mustache commercial. This scholarship is awarded to twenty-five students who excel in academics, sports, and community service.

There are many scholarships available to help pay for school. While college athletic scholarships may be hard to find they are out there. Look at the school you are interested in and see if they offer a scholarship. Then try to supplement with the other programs that are out there. Who knows, maybe you'll be in the next milk mustache commercial.

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