In these trying times, it is quite hard to attend a college when you do not have a scholarship or a college tuition grant to back you up financially. Fortunately, there are a wide range of scholarships being offered and awarded yearly. That said, many scammers chime in and prey on the desperation of people who want to earn their college degrees through the scholarship route.
Here are some tips that can help you spot the scams and schemes from legitimate academic scholarships and grants:
1. Fees - a legitimate scholarship body will never ask for any amount of money, whether you are inquiring about a scholarship or applying. Be wary of scholarship organizations that will ask for money to cover the processing and application process.
2. Guarantees - scholarship organizations that offer guarantees are scammers. The selection of recipients is a rigid and thorough process and only the deserving individual is given the grant or the privilege of having his or her college tuition costs reduced.
3. Glamour - a scholarship announcement is always straight to the point and is backed with correct information. If it contains fancy words and some glamour that makes it look like an ad trying to sell something, then you are better off moving on to another program.
4. Address and Contact Details - a legitimate scholarship body always leave a real business address, not a P.O. Box or a residential address. The same goes with telephone numbers. Otherwise, you are dealing with con experts.
5. Eligibility Requirements - applicants are screened thoroughly and one way of screening them is whether or not they passed the requirements. This means a scholarship does not apply to certain people. A scholarship that is free for all is a scam, no question.
There are still several signs that will tell you whether a scholarship or a college tuition grant is fake or not. But let your common sense dictate your decision and if you are in doubt, do not hesitate to ask questions and inquire.
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