Getting all of your scholarship applications turned in on time is incredibly important. There are certain ones which are due in November, so you will want to make certain that you have completed and turned in your application before the date specified. One application that is due on October 31st is the Cola Scholarship. On November 1st the Voice of Democracy scholarship from the VFW is due.
The Claes Nobel Academic Scholarship can provide up to $5,000 for funding to go to an accredited college/university of your choice. The deadline for this particular scholarship is November 30th. It is a merit-based scholarship, meaning that you will need to prove that you qualify for it in terms of academics as well as financial need.
Long Beach College Scholarship is another one that is due in November by the 1st. The Long Beach College Scholarship program has been helping students get funds for a higher education for over fourteen years now and gives out thousands of dollars each year to those who qualify. Both financial need and academic merit are important for this award.
Keep in mind that college scholarships due dates are something to mark down. If you see that a certain college scholarship requires students to submit their applications by a certain date, you will want to make sure to get yours in by then. Because the process also involves admission applications, essays and getting recommendations, there is a lot involved in applying to colleges so stay organized to avoid missing the cut off dates.
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