Studies show that statistically there are more African American students in special education who are in regular classes. The typical child in special education is a black male child. African-Americans represent 13 percent of the U.S. population and nearly 50% of inmates in the system of the penis of the United States. There is a direct relationship between the chances of a person's life and the level and quality of education.
A class is a part of the larger public world, becauseThis is where the majority of people adapt and cognitive development, learning and social expectations. The classroom is where they can turn their lives over poor difficulties in the reception and living conditions. The classroom is the best soil for the seeds of hope, dreams and ideas that are changing the human society into something bigger than we think. The teachers are the guardians of the class garden. Food with integrity, wisdom, dignity, patience,Understanding and sense of justice. Without these features pupils with facts and figures can be empty. The promotion and adequate support of a teacher can determine whether a child becomes the next president, or a prostitute, doctor or drug dealer. The attitude of the expectations of the teacher and the work ethic students have a domino effect on the world.
A trained teacher and test their academic knowledge, whether the object. However, several studies show thatmain characteristics of outstanding teachers: enthusiasm, compassion, a sense of "humor and passion. None of these features can from a textbook used by a teacher who can be modeled already in possession of these properties will be taught. Many teachers enjoy the subjects that they teach, but to be effective they must love more students. You need students who do not take sleep adequately clothed, in the class and do not seem like home. They areStudents who need more good teachers.
There is a discussion between parents and teachers about who is responsible for poor student performance and school success. It is assumed that the parents are the main reason that children are not academic. Although this statement is the truth, not the power to the lives of many children to change. This hypothesis is not stated a belief that all parents love their children and are known about the development of the child. Peopleare not certified to be a parent. Reproduction is a biological function of the human body. Parents are not required to pass an examination to determine whether they are intelligent, wise, caring and compassion. We have age limits for consumption of alcoholic beverages, the role of schools, member of the armed forces, the purchase of firearms, the purchase of cigarettes and watching R-rated movie. This is not the time for the duty of care and guidance of another to be responsiblethe lives of our genetic make-up shares.
Many people become parents for various reasons ... some as simple as their contraceptive method failed. Some women were raped. Some children were conceived under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Parents are not required to be informed or to be able to read, write, add or subtract. But the teachers expect parents to help their children with homework. If a parent does not have a strong sense of pride - that these features offertheir own children.
On the other hand, as he is a qualified teacher a conscious decision to require the years of training. The teachers are not only needed to know about them, but also understand how people learn and develop at different stages. The teachers are required to pass an examination to determine whether to teach the skills and manage own children.
Teachers should be aware of their motivation to take up the profession. The fantasy of the perfect doctrineChildren who sit in silence, obedience and listening to every word in the class is an unrealistic expectation. Many problems in the public schools are not related to lack of funds, but the lack of understanding and application of fundamental elements that create a positive learning environment for students. The same qualities that make excellent parents are good teachers. The main difference between the two roles is always a parent does notto always take a conscious decision in the best interest of the child while the child's interest is the primary function is not only a good teacher.
Teachers your heart in the class
1. Sense of justice
They punish the whole class to lead a child?
All children are treated fairly?
Did you show favoritism?
2. Wisdom
If the students questions about the lesson that you invest your textbook or to findAnother possibility, the child can understand, to explain?
Students can identify problems when they occur outside the classroom?
Did you improve your students or just to lecture them?
Understand the strengths and weaknesses and know when to forgive? (you're a man)
3. Respect
Ever wanted to scream your students?
If you have negative, derogatory remarks about their parents and families?
We supportwith your students as if they were the same age?
Use the "name calling" as a method of discipline?
Our goal is to bring specifically to embarrass, shame or humiliate him in front of the class
4 Integrity
Do you think that your students negatively with their language or appearance?
I admit to the students, if you make a mistake?
Deep in your heart, I love to teach you still?
There seems to be a model for yourStudents?
5. Compassion
You look good in your students?
Your students trust you?
They strive to learn the names of all your students?
Note that if the students make efforts to improve their quality of behavioral or password?
We do it yourself, your children, if they do well to follow, regardless of their size?
Did you notify parents when their children are happy, or only when something goes wrongNew?
6. Enthusiasm
Have you kept up lesson plans to integrate the new information?
Did you smile and laugh during class?
What do you play music, poetry and art in the lesson plans?
Have you depend mainly on reading and tables as the main street of education?
They are energetic and enthusiastic about teaching the subject?
7. Pride
Students, teachers and administrators think it is everyone's responsibility to maintainSchool clean and tidy.
Are you proud to be a teacher or is it just a job?
8. Know
We use a variety of teaching methods and strategies for students variety of learning styles to meet?
- Howard Gardner, 8 types of intelligence
- Left Brain & Right Brain Learners
- Hearing, touch and vision students
Have peer teaching, tutoring and learning strategies in your classroom?
Give your student group projectsso that they work together and learn to get along with others to accomplish a common goal?
9. Patience
They are irritated when the student does not understand about the first time?
I listen to the needs of your students?
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